Monday 5 November 2012

Durham City Cathedral & Ramside

 Durham City Cathedral & Ramside

Photo highlights of a weekend in & around Durham..

I spent the weekend in the start of november mainly in Durham.

On a brisk, cold autumnal day of saturday I enjoyed a short stroll around the cathedral and city taking in the afternoon glow that surrounded the area and saw it as a nice opportunity to try to capture the autumnal landscape.
The following day, I spent out a few miles from Durham city for a sunday lunch and saw another immediate opportunity to take some photos..

As it happened there was a nice hazy, misty fog that gave a nice atmosphere to the subjects i photographed. Unfortunately, I just started using my new camera, and i also got water residue off the mist on my lense without realising, so some photos may have been better had i noticed! Saying that I think they add to the atmosphere in some cases..

Durham City & Cathedral

Silhouette contrast /1

Silhouette contrast /2

The Ramside Golf Course Walkway

A690 route >

Below 3 stages of misty glow over the pond by the golf course

 Signing off, in black & white...

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