Wednesday 22 August 2012

Wild Camp at Hard Tarn, below Nethermost Pike, near Helvellyn, Lake District

Having not done much creatively for a while (or had the time to) I was somewhat, not-knowing-what-to-expect by a one night “wild camp,” and the chance to see some of the Lake District in a potentially different light..I was looking forward to it, yet I didn’t really have any high expectations…
However, the experience was quite simply breathtaking, and although I didn’t have the best of cameras and photographic experience behind me, I was inspired by what I saw and did my best to capture it all as best I could.
I was further inspired by this experience to create this blog, to work on my back catalogue of photos, and get back into photography once again…

It wasn’t easy by any means trying to reach Hard Tarn for sunset when setting off from the “journey path” around 19.30 but the effort was well worth it… 

Beginning from Patterdale, walking along past Braesteads Farm along to Ruthwaite Lodge is not too far in distance but quite windy, and then the ascent up to Hard Tarn is quite difficult as you can see from the Ruthwaite Lodge photo below.
It also wasn’t easy waking up pre-sun rise and climbing up the acutely vertical way up to Nethermost pike, but again it was worth it!

Journey path
The photo above was taken on the way back. This was virtually the start of the hike to Hard Tarn.

Ruthwaite Lodge. 
This little lodge could just about be seen not far gone along the journey path. It was an effort in itself just to reach this checkpoint in the circumstances for a rest! (Again this was taken on the return back.)

Hard Tarn
Base home for the night. Provided good shelter, and a magnificent spot for witnessing the stars at night.

Hard Tarn. From left to right - Looking up towards it (not in view), sunrise from Hard tarn, Sunlight over Hard tarn

View looking East from Hard Tarn

Cast a gaze.

Taking in the mountain range and the open views......

The Climb up to Nethermost pike. Looking down on Hard Tarn.

Reaching the top!

Nethermost Pike Sunset Summit.

Pre-sunrise on Nethermost Pike

Sunrise in full flow

Me on Nethermost pike
I don’t know how I seem to be smiling here, as I was really quite fearful!

Mist in the valley //1.
There was almost a sense of being some were Far East when looking out upon these scenes.

Morning Dew //1.
As we made our journey back to ground level, I couldn’t help notice along the way down the dew catch the sparkling reflection of the morning light, and so on a few occasions I got up close and personal to try to capture the detail. I later found my foot and leg almost swamped up completely by the marshy land (it was very boggy in certain places – unlucky for me!)

Morning Dew //2.

Sunrise Panorama //1

Taking in the glowing sunrise stage by stage.......

Sunrise Panorama //2

For More Detailed Info on this Wild Camp, check out the following link:

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